Beppie Blankert

Beppie Blankert Dansconcerten was founded in 1992 as Dansers Studio. In 2000, the name was changed to Beppie Blankert Dansconcerten by notarial deed.

Projects can be found at

The purpose of the foundation is to promote modern dance.
The foundation obtains income through buyout payments from the theaters or a percentage of the receipts. In addition, funds are approached for subsidies. There will be a crowdfunding campaign. Stichting Beppie Blankert Dansconcerten has ANBI status. This means that donations and legacies (under conditions) are exempt from Dutch gift and inheritance taxation.
Private gifts are tax deductable up to 125% and commercial gifts up to 150%. See for more information.

Stichting Beppie Blankert Dansconcerten does not receive multi-year funding and works on project basis.

We follow the Governance Code Cultuur.
Remuneration according to CAO Toneel en Dans.
There are no permanent staff.

The board of Beppie Blankert Dansconcerten consists of:
Rijer van der Lugt, chairman
Willem van Stam, treasurer
Martijn Arend Jules Padding, member

Chamber of Commerce no. 41211772
RSIN 801682460

Condensed Policy Plan 2024-2025
This season Beppie Blankert Dansconcerten produces the dance performance Dubbelspoor. 12 performances have now been sold in The Hague, Amsterdam and Maastricht. In addition, negotiations are underway with Spring Festival in Utrecht for another 3-5 performances.
In addition, a workshop of 2-3 weeks will take place at the Dance Academy in Amsterdam (AHK) following the performance Dubbelspoor.
Double track becomes a new performance based on an old concept.
The performance (concept and choreography Beppie Blankert, concept and composition Louis Andriessen, 'texts for Nothing #7' by Samuel Beckett) was created three times, for two women in 1986, two men in 2000 and a man and a woman in 2010.
When Louis Andriessen received the Johan Wagenaar Prize in 2010, he was allowed to put together a program on the occasion of the award ceremony. He chose, among other things, Double Track. Andriessen passed away in 2021. This remake of Dubbelspoor by the original cast is in honor of Louis Andriessen.

Double track
The central theme is 'waiting'. Waiting can be understood as the passage of time, but also as the vacuum that precedes making a decision. Beckett has his own language for that. In concrete terms, the waiting of a single person, a woman, in the desolation of a platform for a train that thunders past and does not stop, is the symbol for missed opportunities or passing up life choices or actions. People on a platform are rarely in the 'here and now' but busy with what lies ahead of them or what they have left behind and is in the past. It is a kind of being on the high tide line between water and land. There on the dividing line of possibilities there is drama and friction. Blankert is also in this position. She has long since made her mark in the dance world. As an older dancer, she wants to continue performing. This desire is great and inescapable, but the forces are diminishing as to how to continue to reach the public.

Artistic director: Beppie Blankert
Business manager, producer: Michel Bezem
Dancers: Beppie Blankert, Carolien Dokter
Technique: Kees van Zelst
Photography: Charlot Wissing
Videography: Wilbert Bank
Publicity: Lommer agency
Administration: ASK office

Activities calendar

Double track Korzo-DEN HAAG (confirmed)
2 performances autumn 2025 (dates to be determined)

Double track Dutch dance days - MAASTRICHT (confirmed)
5 performances October 2025 (dates to be determined)

Amsterdam University of the Arts, Dance department
2-3 weeks 'block repertoire' November-December 2024

Double track Bellevue- AMSTERDAM (confirmed)
Performance June 11, 2025 - Wednesday
Performance June 12, 2025 - Thursday
2nd performance June 12, 2025 - Thursday
Matinee performance June 13, 2025 - Friday
2nd performance June 13, 2025 - Friday