


In the years to follow Beppie Blankert makes short duets for couples. Her starting point as a choreographer is that dancers that have (had) a relationship have no physical or mental barriers.





She invites the dancers to choose their favorite music and then choreographs the duet to the music of their choise.




By doing this internationaly a World Wide Web of duets grows.




After a while it is the intention to create different programs consisting of a combination of several duets, that were made in different cities of the world.




For such an occasion Blankert invites a composer to compose new music, without knowing the music to which the works originaly were made. The composer gets to see the material on video without sound.




Beppie Blankert has the need for choreographing this work, because of her desire to give form to a basicly abstract idea in a way that is full of passion and personel statement both from herself and from the dancers.




The making of these duets is a mutual gift between choreographer and dancers.




LINK 1 was made in 1998 for Paul Selwyn Norton and Mauricio d’Oliviera


LINK 2 was made in 1999 for Mirjam ter Linden and Jim Barnard